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Dixit Guleria
Chemical design for Recyclability


Dixit Guleria is an early stage researcher for C-PlaNet, working on “ESR 2” project “Chemical design for recyclability”, in the “SPC” group, “Department of chemical engineering and chemistry” at “TU Eindhoven”. Dixit will work on studying the structural and functional fundamentals of all-polyethylene multilayer packages and their recyclability. Dixit will work mostly at SPC in TU/e. He will also work at the University of Ghent and at Dow in Terneuzen in later stages of the project.


Dixit obtained his Bachelor of Engineering in “Chemical Engineering” from “Panjab University” in India in 2016. He also holds a master’s degree in “Packaging Technology” from “Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee” and did his master’s thesis in student exchange program at “TU Dresden” in Germany where he focused on “Simultaneous improvement of the production process and properties of multi-layered paperboards used in packaging industry by application of dry defibrated fibre materials, especially in the middle layer.”


Dixit also loves to play sports such as Football and Cricket. He also like to travel and explore new places. He also likes to experience art and cultures from different regions around the world.



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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 859885.

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