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Development and evaluation of future collection and logistics system for eco-designed plastics


  • TITLE: Development and evaluation of future collection and logistics system for eco-designed plastics

  • HOST: Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria)  

  • MAIN SUPERVISOR: Prof. dr. R. Pomberger (MUL)

  • CO-SUPERVISOR: Prof. dr. T. Astrup (DTU)

  • START DATE: 01.04.2020

  • DURATION: 36 months

  • REQUIRED DEGREE: Master of Science


    • No stay of more than 12 months within the last 3 years in Austria

    • Profound knowledge in mechanical process engineering
      Basic knowledge (preferably practical experience) with respect to sensor-based sorting technologies

    • Manual skillfulness, team and communication skills, own initiative and responsibility, reliability

    • Willingness to run trials for sensor-based sorting

    • German language skills corresponding to the level B2 of the Common European Reference Framework of Languages

  • DESCRIPTION: To enable high recycling rates for eco-designed plastics and biobased plastics the potential of (established) sensor-based sorting technology for the distinction and separation of such materials must be assessed through research and experiments. Based on these considerations the need for adapting existing collection systems enabling high recycling rates for eco-designed plastics and biobased plastics is studied.

  • OBJECTIVES: New environmental challenges will change the “fossile” material plastic by development of eco-designed new materials and products (e.g. bioplastics). The objective is to investigate product-oriented collecting and sorting systems for plastic waste of new materials.
    First aim is to develop new source separation concepts and to evaluate their impact on logistic and sorting efficiency. Second aim is to investigate the dependence between collection system and sorting technology focused on sensor based sorting and material impurities.

  • PLANNED SECONDMENTS: DTU for eco-design methods and assessment methods (M36-M42); Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG (collection and sorting plant) for practical evaluation on collection and sorting systems (M19-M20); Kruschitz for practical testing of eco-designed plastics and special materials for recycling (regranulation process) (M31-M32)


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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 859885.

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