We invite you for this live event of the project October 17th - October 20th. The PhD students and their supervisors will be on-site in Eindhoven, TUE, The Netherlands. The open sessions will be accessible at the on-site venue and the registration link for these can be find below.
The training will focus on how we can bring new ideas into the CE, both in terms of entrepreneurship and policy-making. The students will be introduced to the characteristics of business models, different types of models and the specificity of sustainable business models for circular plastics. The policy developments in the field of circular economy/circular plastics will be analyzed and insights will be given into the political tensions and controversies involved. It will be included how chemical industry is dealing with the EU Strategy on Plastics.
The ESRs will be challenged to create their own Circular Plastics Economy policy and business models. The section will rely on two methodologies: i) a business modeling workshop, beginning with an ideation phase that was followed by several iterations that built on earlier activities (lecture on marketing, visit to an advanced recycling spin-off and a corporate presentation on its perspectives for the plastics industry) ; and ii) a role play to explore the dynamics between policy makers and entrepreneurs in developing business models in the context of a regulatory regime. In the end, after receiving training on how to deliver pitches, the ESRs will pitch their ideas to a young start-up CEO.
Three Microteachings
ESR 4 Alejandro: Production of sustainable and recyclable phosphorus flame-retardant additives
ESR 15 Christina: Recycling of polymers from collected ocean/beach plastics
ESR 13 Nur: Politics and governance in a circular plastics economy
Detailed agenda
Full programme in .jpeg:

Detailed agenda
Registration is open, closes October 14th noon CET. Participation is free of charge.
Registration is required and should be done using the following link: