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All public publications, presentations, workshops and data are available via our C-PlaNeT Zenodo Community



Plastic Planet: A guide to recycling and caring for our environment

P. Main, D. Guleria, M. Moubarak, C. Kibuta, F. Lit, A. Fonseca, M. Lisiecki, T. Belé, A. Bashirgonbadi, E. Mahmoudi, B. Goshayeshi, R. Kol, N.G. Yalcin, M.K. Rabiu, N. Mhaddolkar, H.M. Logan, Zenodo,  2023,

Impact of Multiple Reprocessing on Properties of Polyhydroxybutyrate and Polypropylene

P. Main, S. Petersmann, N. Wild, M. Feuchter, I. Duretek, M. Edeleva, P. Ragaert, L. Cardon, T. Lucyshyn, Polymers, 2023,


Circular economy initiatives are no guarantee for increased plastic circularity: A framework for the systematic comparison of initiatives

M. Lisiecki, A. Damgaard, K. Ragaert, T.F. Astrup, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2023,

Mechanical recycling of printed flexible plastic packaging: The role of binders and pigments

M. Lisiecki, T.G.A. Belé, S. Ügdüler, R. Fiorio, T.F. Astrup, S. De Meester, K. Ragaert, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024,


Copper-cobalt double metal cyanides as green catalysts for phosphoramidate synthesis

A. Fonseca, A.L. Bugaev, A.Y. Pnevskaya, K. Janssens, C. Marquez, D. De Vos, Communications Chemistry, 2023,


Pushing Forward the Transition to a Circular Economy by Adopting and Actor Engagement Lens

K. Verleye, A. De Keyser, N. Raasens, A.A. Alblas, F.C. Lit, J.C.C.M. Huijben, Journal of Servive Research, 2023,


Business model innovation in circular start-ups: Overcoming barriers in the circular plastics economy

F.C. Lit, J.C.C.M. Huijben, M.M.A.H. Cloodt, E. Paredis, International Small Business Journal, 2024,

Appropriation and routinisation of circular consumer practices: A review of current knowledge in the circular economy literature

M.K. Rabiu, M. Jaeger-Erben, Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 2022,

Reducing single-use plastic in everyday social practices: Insights from a living lab experiment

M.K. Rabiu, M. Jaeger-Erben, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2024,

Near-infrared identification and sorting of polylactic acid

N. Mhaddolkar, G. Koinig, D. Vollprecht, Detritus, 2022,

Consumers confused 'Where to dispose biodegradable plastics?': A study of three waste streams

N. Mhaddolkar, A. Tischberger-Aldrian, T. Fruergaard Astrup, D. Vollprecht, Waste Management & Research, 2024,

Effect of Surface Contamination on Near-Infrared Spectra of Biodegradable Plastics

N. Mhaddolkar, G. Koinig, D. Vollprecht, T.F. Astrup, A. Tischberger-Aldrian, Polymers, 2024,

Recent Advances in Pre-Treatment of Plastic Packaging Waste

R. Kol, M. Roosen, S. Ügdüler, K.M. Van Geem, K. Ragaert, D.S. Achilias, S. De Meester, Book Chapter in 'Waste Material Recycling in the Circular Economy - Challenges and Developments',  IntechOpen, 2021,​

State-Of-The-Art Quantification of Polymer Solution Viscosity for Plastic Waste Recycling

R. Kol, T. De Somer, D.R. D'hooge, F. Knappich, K. Ragaert, D.S. Achilias, S. De Meester, ChemSusChem, 2021,

Toward More Universal Prediction of Polymer Solution Viscosity for Solvent-Based Recycling

R. Kol, P. Nachtergaele, T. De Somer, D.R. D'hooge, D.S. Achilias, S. De Meester, Industrial & Engineering Chemistryu Research, 2022,


Removal of undissolved substances in the dissolution-based recycling of polystyrene waste by applying filtration and centrifugation

R. Kol, E. Carrieri, S. Gusev, M. Verswyvel, N. Niessner, A. Lemonidou, D.S. Achilias, S. De Meester, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023,

Increasing the Dissolution Rate of Polystyrene Waste in Solvent-Based Recycling

R. Kol, R. Denolf, G. Bernaert, D. Manhaeghe, E. Bar-Ziv, G.W. Huber, N. Niessner, M. Verswyvel, A. Lemonidou, D.S. Achilias, S. De Meester, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2024,


Solvent techniques for closed-loop recycling of plastic waste

R. Kol, PhD dissertation, Ghent University, Belgium and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2024,

Quality evaluation and economic assessment of an improved mechanical recycling process for post-consumer flexible plastics

A. Bashirgonbadi, I.S. Lase, L. Delva, K.M. Van Geem, S. De Meester, K. Ragaert, Waste Management, 2022,


Material flow analysis and recycling performance of an improved mechanical recycling process for post-consumer flexible plastics

I.S. Lase, A. Bashirgonbadi, F. van Rhijn, J. Dewulf, K. Ragaert, L. Delva, M. Roosen, M. Brandsma, M. Langen, S. De Meester, Waste Management, 2022,

Accurate determination of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) content in polyolefin blends using machine learning-assisted differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis

A. Bashirgonbadi, Y. Ureel, L. Delva, R. Fiorio, K.M. Van Geem, K. Ragaert, Polymer Testing, 2024,

The interplay between macromolecular structure, rheology, processing condition, and morphology for (linear) low density polyethylenes in film blowing

A. Bashirgonbadi, L. Delva, E. Caron, F.H. Marchesini, K.M. Van Geem, K. Ragaert, Polymer, 2024,

Taking one step forward in circular plastics transition: C-PlaNeT Project

N.G. Yalcin, F.C. Lit, Short contribution to the 38th STRN Newsletter - Sustainability Transitions Research Network, 2020,


Contested discourses of a circular plastics economy in Europe: prioritizing material, economy, or society?

N.G. Yalcin, E. Paredis, M. Jaeger-Erben, Environmental Politics, 2022,


Closing-down the debate instead of the loops? A nuanced consideration of established actors in the circular economy​

N.G. Yalcin, K. Ampe, M.C. Simoens, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2024,

Additive inclusion in plastic life cycle assessments part I: Review of mechanical recycling studies

H. Logan, T.F. Astrup, A. Damgaard, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2024,

Additive inclusion in plastic life cycle assessments part II: Review of additive inventory data trends and availability

H. Logan, S. De Meester, T.F. Astrup, A. Damgaard, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2024,


Research on Mechanical Recycling of Bioplastics (oral presentation)

P. Main, T. Lucyshyn, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2021), Graz, Austria, 12-16 September 2021,


Why is mechanical recycling of bioplastics important for a circular economy? (poster presentation)

P. Main, 29th Leoben Conference of Polymer Engineering and Science, Leoben, Austria, 15-16 September 2021,

Biobased Plastics for a circular economy (poster presentation)

P. Main, T. Lucyshyn, 16th European Bioplastics Conference, Berlin, Germany, 30 November - 1 December 2021,

Polyhydroxybutyrates for a circular economy: Mechanical and Thermal Characterization (oral presentation)

P. Main, 2nd International Symposium on Plastics Technology, Aachen, Germany, 5-6 September 2022,

Mechanical and Thermal Characterization of Multiprocessed PHBs (oral presentation)

P. Main, Recy & DepoTech 2022, Leoben, Austria, 9-11 November 2022,

Effect of recycling on reprocessed PHB modified with virgin PHB and characterization of thermal and mechanical properties (oral presentation)

P. Main, 38th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-38), St. Gallen, Switzerland, 22-26 May 2023

Influence of melt strength enhancers on PHB processing (poster presentation)

P. Main, L. Van de Ginste, L. Cardon, T. Lucyshyn, 3th International Conference on Polymer Process Innovation (PPI 2023), Guimarães, Portugal, 13-15 September 2023,

Impact of resin density and orientation temperaturein structural evolution and morphology of MDO-PE-films (oral presentation)

D. Guleria, 38th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-38), St. Gallen, Switzerland, 22-26 May 2023

X-Ray analysis of structural evolutions in MDO-PE films (poster presentation)

D. Guleria, IUPAC Chains 2023 World Chemistry Congress, The Hague, 20-27 August 2023

Investigating the impact of resin molar mass and process draw ratio on enhancement of desired mechanical properties in MDO (machine direction oriented) PE films (poster presentation)

D. Guleria, PPI 2023 (3th International Conference on Polymer Process Innovation ), Guimarães, Portugal, 13-15 September 2023

Design for plastic circularity (oral presentation)

M. Lisiecki, SESAM21 (Sense, Science & the Magic of Food), Experimentarium Hellerup, Denmark, 25 September 2021

Plastic Circularity: Systematic evaluation of circular economy initiatives (oral presentation)

M. Lisiecki, A. Damgaard, T.F. Astrup, Sardinia 2021 - 18th International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling, Sardinia Italy, 11-15 October 2021

Can circular economy initiatives actually stimulate plastic circularity? (poster presentation)

M. Lisiecki, Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology, Newry, Maine, United States, 12-17 June 2022

Quantification of functional, institutional and users requirements in relation to plastic circularity and substitution (poster presentation)

M. Lisiecki, Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology, Newry, Maine, United States, 12-17 June 2022

Inks as a potential source of contamination for PE film recycling (oral presentation)

M. Lisiecki, 38th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-38), St. Gallen, Switzerland, 22-26 May 2023

Heterogeneously catalyzed aerobic oxidative coupling of amines and phosphites: Cu-Co double metal cyanides as green catalysts for phosphoramidate synthesis (oral presentation)

A. Fonseca, 24th Edition of the Netherlands' Catalysis & Chemistry Conference, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 6-8 March 2023

Copper-Cobalt double metal cyanides as green catalysts for phosphoramidate synthesis (poster presentation)

A. Fonseca, C. Márquez, A.L. Bugaev, A.Y. Pnevskaya, K. Janssens, D. De Vos, EuropaCat2023, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 augustus - 1  September 2023,


New strategies and business models for a circular plastics transition (oral presentation)

F. Lit, NBM Doctoral Workshop - 6th International Conference on New Business Models - New Business Models in a Decade of Action: Sustainable , Evidence-based, Impactful, Halmstad University, Sweden, 9-11 June 2021,


Going Circular: Novel Business Model Design for Start-ups in the Dutch Plastics Economy (oral presentation)

F.C. Lit, M.M.A.H. Cloodt, J.C.C.M. Huijben, E. Paredis, 6th International Conference on New Business Models - New Business Models in a Decade of Action: Sustainable, Evidence-based, Impactful, Halmstad University, Sweden, 9-11 June 2021,

Collaborative Business Models for the Circular Economy: Multi-stakeholder Alignment by a Large Plastics Incumbent (oral presentation)

F.C. Lit, Doctoral Colloquium of the R&D Management Conference 2021: Innovation in an Era of Disruption, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 6 July 2021,

Interrogating the politics of the circular economy (poster presentation)

E. Paredis, K. Ampe, I. Emmery, A. Hendriks, F. Lit, J. Van Gaubergen, N.G. Yalcin, Research on Sustainability & Society, Ghent, Belgium, September - November 2022,

Circular economy engagement: practices for boosting motivation, opportunity, and ability (oral presentation)

K. Verleye, A. De Keyser, N. Raassens, A.A. Alblas, J.C.C.M. Huijben, F.C. Lit, 8th International Conference on New Business Models (NBM2023), 21-23 June 2023,

In pursuit of the social dimension: Circular justice in business models (oral presentation)

F.C. Lit, E. Paredis, J.C.C.M. Huijben, M.M.A.H. Cloodt, 9th International Conference on New Business Models (NMB2024), Donostia/San Sebastian, Spain, 3-5 July 2024,

​​​Approaching the circular consumer: The diverse appropriation of circular consumption strategies (oral presentation)

M.K. Rabiu, M. Jaeger-Erben, 20th European Roundtable Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP), Graz, Austria, 8-10 September 2021

Reducing single-use plastics in everyday life - Insights from a living lab experiment (oral presentation)

M.K. Rabiu, SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference (SCP23), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 5-8 July 2023

Grassroots innovations for plastic crises (poster presentation)

M.K. Rabiu, C-Planet NTE 5 poster presentations, Cottbus, Germany, 18-20 May 2022

Analysing Suitability of Existing NIR Sorting Technology for Capturing Recyclable Bioplastics (oral presentation)

N. Mhaddolkar, Sardinia 2021 - 18th International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling, Sardinia, Italy, 11-15 October 2021,


Evaluation of a near-infrared sorting system for bio-based and biodegradable plastics (poster presentation)

N. Mhaddolkar, 11th DGAW Science Congress "Waste and Resource Management", Dresden, Germany, 17-18 March 2022,

Is the European waste management industry ready for bioplastic waste? (poster presentation)

N. Mhaddolkar, Recy & DepoTech 2022, Leoben, Austria, 9-11 November 2022,

Consumers confused: Where to throw the compostable plastic? (poster presentation)

N. Mhaddolkar, 17th European Bioplastics Conference, Berlin, Germany, 6-7 December 2022,

Bioplastics waste management (oral presentation)

N. Mhaddolkar, Besuch Montanuniversität Leoben BG/BRG Gleisdorf, Gleisdorf, Austria, 26 June 2023,


Odor characterization from recycled HDPE and PP bottles (poster presentation)

T. Belé, 23rd Conference of Odour and Emissions of Plastic Materials, 23-24 March 2021

Odor characterization of post-consumer PP bottles after different washing processes (oral presentation)

T. Belé, Recy & DepoTech 2022, Leoben, Austria, 9-11 November 2022

Influence of rheological behavior of polymer solutions on solvent-based recycling (poster presentation)

R. Kol, T. De Somer, D. D'hooge, F. Knappich, K. Ragaert, D. Achilias, S. De Meester, ACS Spring 2022, San Diego, USA, 20-24 March 2022,

Solvent-based recycling of plastic waste (oral presentation)

R. Kol, CAPTURE Science Talks, 17 May 2022,

Solvent-based techniques for recycling of plastics (oral presentation)

R. Kol, D.S. Achilias, S. De Meester, CORFU 2022, Corfu, Greece, 15-18 June 2022,

The potential of solvent-based recycling to achieve clean recycled polymers (oral presentation)

R. Kol, CAPTURE days, Ghent, Belgium, 24 August 2022,

Towards Deep Cleaning of Plastic Waste: The influence of (N)IAS in recycling and ways how to remove them (oral presentation)

R. Kol, Horizonverkenning Duurzame Additieven in Kunststoffen (Centexbel - VKC), 12 October 2023,

From macromolecular architecture to film blowing performance of L(L)DPE: and outlook for recyclability of flexibles (oral presentation)

A. Bashirgonbadi, L. Delva, E. Caron, K. Van Geem, K. Ragaert, 37th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-37), Fukuoka, Japan, 11-15 April 2022,


Catalytic pyrolysis of intermediate plastic pyrolysis compounds using steam-treated mesoporous HZSM-5 zeolite (poster presentation)

B. Goshayeshi, Chemical Technology Symposium (CTS-2022), Ghent, Belgium, 9 September 2022

Impact of alfa-olefins and diolefins from polyolefin pyrolysis oil on the catalytic cracking mechanistic pathways (oral presentation)

B. Goshayeshi, S.A. Theofanidis, M.S. Abbas-Abadi, E. Mahmoudi, K.M. Van Geem, A. Lemonidou, International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 28), Turku/Abo, Finland, 16-19 June 2024

Determination of processability and performance of mechanically recycled flexible plastics (poster presentation)

A. Bashirgonbadi, L. Delva, K. Van Geem, K. Ragaert, European R&D days (ExxonMobil), Brussel, Belgium, 24-27 April 2023,

Determination of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) content in post-consumer recycled flexible plastics using machine learning assisted differential scanning calorimetry (oral presentation)

A. Bashirgonbadi, L. Delva, Y. Ureel, K. Van Geem, K. Ragaert, 38th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-38), St. Gallen, Switzerland, 22-26 May 2023,

Artifical intelligence driven determination of the composition of recycled plastic blends (oral presentation)

A. Bashirgonbadi, Y. Ureel, L. Delva, K. Van Geem, K. Ragaert, 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECCE2023 & ECAB2023), Berlin, Germany, 17-21 October 2023,

Catalytic valorization of plastic waste pyrolysis non-condensable gases towards propylene production (poster presentation)

E. Mahmoudi, 15th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCAT2023), Prague, Czech Republic, 27 August - 1 September 2023

Valorizing non-condensable pyrolysis gases from mixed plastic waste for sustainable and selective propylene production (oral presentation)

E. Mahmoudi, 8th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Dresden, Germany, 13-15 May 2024

Carbon circularity in plastic waste: cross-metathesis of ethylene and 1-butene over WO3/Al-MCM-41 catalyst towards propylene production (oral presentation)

E. Mahmoudi, 14th Pan-Hellenic Conference of Chemical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29-31 May 2024

Catalytic valorization of non-condensable pyrolysis gases derived from mixed plastic waste towards selective and sustainable propylene production (oral presentation)

E. Mahmoudi, S.A. Theofanidis, S.A. Karakoulia, A. Longo, C. Sahle, D.E. De Vos, A.A. Lemonidou, International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 28), Turku/Abo, Finland, 16-19 June 2024

Contested visions of the circular plastics transition (oral presentation)

N.G. Yalcin, 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST2021), Karslruhe, Germany, 5-8 October 2021

Contested visions of the circular plastics transition (oral presentation)

N.G. Yalcin, 27th SPRU PhD Forum, 17-18 June 2021​​


Contested visions of the circular plastics transtion (oral presentation)

N.G. Yalcin, Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD 2022), Bergamo, Italy, 6-8 July 2022​

Quiet capture in noisy politics of plastics (oral presentation)

N.G. Yalcin, 13th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST2022), Stellenbosch (Sout-Africa), Monash (Australia), Georgetown (USA), 21-25 November 2022

Quiet capture in noisy politics of plastics (oral presentation)

N.G. Yalcin, 14th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST2023), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 30 August - 1 September 2023

Circular society meets art and creative practices (oral presentation)

N.G. Yalcin, Circular Society Forum 2023, Berlin, Germany, 28 - 29 September 2023

Politics of Circular Plastics Economy in Europe: Prioritizing material, economy or society? (oral presentation)

N.G. Yalcin, CAPTURE Science Talks, Ghent, Belgium, 5 June 2023

Additives in a Plastic Circular Economy (oral presentation)

H. Logan, SESAM21 (Sense, Science & the Magic of Food), Experimentarium Hellerup, Denmark, 25 September 2021

Where are all the additives? Identifying trends in plastic additive inclusion in LCAs of mechanical recycling (oral presentation)

H. Logan, SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-19 May 2022

Additive impacts as crucial for Plastic Circular Economy Planning (oral presentation)

H. Logan, Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology, Newry, Maine, United States, 12-17 June 2022

The missing piece of the plastic puzzle: Additive accounting in major LCI databases? (poster presentation)

H. LoganGordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology, Newry, Maine, United States, 12-17 June 2022

A Guide for LCA Modelling of Plastics for Safe, Sustainable, and Circular Transition Planning (poster presentation)

H. Logan, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 30 April - 4 May 2023



My MSCA-ITN Experience

F. Lit, Presentation at the Online Webinar ‘How to do a funded PhD in Europe: Roundtable with MSCA Fellows from ASEAN’, EURAXESS ASEAN, 2021,

Researchers in Motion: Fernando Lit

F. Lit, Online Interview for the European Research & Innovation Days ASEAN 2021: Science Diplomacy, Climate Change, Global Health. EURAXESS, 2021,

Doing a Marie Curie in the Netherlands

F. Lit, PhD studies in Europe with MSCA, EURAXESS ASEAN, 2023,



ESR 15 - C.Kibuta: Closing Presentation - Recycling of Polymers from Collected Ocean/Beach Plastics, NTE 7, 04/07/2023,


ESR 14 - H. Logan: Closing Presentation - LCA of additives in plastics, NTE 7, 04/07/2023

ESR 13 - N.G. Yalcin: Closing Presentation - Politics of Circular Plastics Economy in Europe, NTE 7, 04/07/2023,


ESR 12 - E. Mahmoudi: Closing Presentation - Catalytic Valorization of Plastic Waste Pyrolysis non-Condensable Gases Towards Propylene Production, NTE 7, 04/07/2024

ESR 11 - A. Bashirgonbadi: Closing Presentation - Determination of Processability and Performance of Mechanically Recycled Flexible Plastics, NTE 7, 04/07/2024,

ESR 10 - B. Goshayeshi: Closing Presentation - Chemical recycling of plastic waste by reactor and catalyst engineering, NTE 7, 04/07/2024

ESR 9 - R. Kol: Closing Presentation - Solvent Techniques for Closed-Loop Recycling of Plastics, NTE 7, 03/07/2023,


ESR 8 - T. Belé: Closing Presentation - Odour characterization, monitoring, control and removal from recycled plastics, NTE 7, 03/07/2024

ESR 7 - N. Mhaddolkar: Closing Presentation - Development and evaluation of waste collection and sorting systems for bioplastics, NTE 7, 03/07/2024,

ESR 6 - M.K. Rabiu: Closing Presentation - Consumer practices in a circular society, NTE 7, 03/07/2023,

ESR 5 - F. Lit: Closing Presentation - Enhancing circular economy adoption: A business model view of the circular plastics transition, NTE 7, 03/07/2023,

ESR 4 - A. Fonseca: Closing Presentation - Cu-Co double metal cyanides as green catalysts for phosphoramidate synthesis, NTE 7, 03/07/2023,

ESR 3 - M. Lisiecki: Closing Presentation - Design Plastic for Circularity: A multiscale approach to assess Plastic Circularity, NTE 7, 03/07/2023,


ESR 2 - D. Guleria: Closing Presentation - Mono material PE-based design for recyclability of multilayer flexible packaging systems, NTE 7, 03/07/2023

ESR 1 - P. Main: Closing Presentation - Biobased Plastics for a Circular Economy, NTE 7, 03/07/2023,

ESR 15 - M. Moubarak: Topic introduction - Recycling of Polymers from Collected Beach and Ocean Plastics, NTE 1, 10/09/2020,

ESR 14 - H. Logan: Topic introduction - MFA and LCA of European plastics flows with a focus on additives, NTE 1, 10/09/2020

ESR 13 - N.G. Yalcin: Topic introduction - Politics and governance in a circular economy, NTE 1, 10/09/2020,


ESR 12 - F. Martelli: Topic introduction - Valorizing pyrolysis gases back to monomers, NTE 1, 10/09/2020,


ESR 9 - R. Kol: Topic introduction - Solvent techniques for closed loop recycling, NTE 1, 10/09/2020,

ESR 8 - T. Belé: Topic introduction - Odour characterization, monitoring, control and removal from recycled plastics, NTE 1, 10/09/2020,


ESR 7 - N. Mhaddolkar: Topic introduction - Future collection and logistic systems for ecodesigned plastics, NTE 1, 10/09/2020,


ESR 6 - M.K. Rabiu: Topic introduction - Consumer practices in a circular economy, NTE 1, 10/09/2020,

ESR 5 - F. Lit: Topic introduction - New strategies and business models for a circular plastics transition, NTE 1, 10/09/2020,

ESR 4 - A. Fonseca: Topic introduction - Sustainable and recyclable phosphorous flame-retardant additives, NTE 1, 10/09/2020,

ESR 1 - P. Main: Topic introduction - Biobased plastics for a circular economy, NTE 1, 10/09/2020,

Kick-off, overview and institutes, NTE 1, 07/09/2020,


Recycling methods for secondary plastics, T. Lucyshyn, WS1 The Lifecycle of Plastics, NTE 1, 09/09/2020,


Sorting and pretreatment of plastic waste, S. De Meester, WS1 The Lifecycle of Plastics, NTE 1, 08/09/2020,


Waste logistics, R. Pomberger, WS1 The Lifecycle of Plastics, NTE 1, 08/09/2020,

Product development with recycled plastics, K. Ragaert, WS1 The Lifecycle of Plastics, NTE 1, 08/09/2020,

Introduction to Polymer Processing, T. Lucyshyn, WS1 The Lifecycle of Plastics, NTE 1, 08/09/2020,

Basic elements of polymer chemistryD. Achilias, WS1 The Lifecycle of Plastics, NTE 1, 08/09/2020,


ESR 4 - A. Fonseca: Production of sustainable and recyclable phosphorus flame-retardant additives, NTE 6, 18/10/2022,

ESR 13 - N.G. Yalçin: Politics and governance in a circular plastics economy, NTE 6, 20/10/2022,

ESR 15 - C. Kibuta: Recycling of polymers from collected ocean/beach plastics, NTE 6, 19/10/2022,

ESR 6 - M.K. Rabiu: Consumer practices in a circular society, NTE 5, 20/05/2022,

ESR 7 - N. Mhaddolkar: Bioplastics waste management, NTE 5, 19/05/2022,

ESR 9 - R. Kol: Solvent techniques for closed loop recycling of plastics, NTE 4, 25/10/2021,

ESR 14 - H. Logan: How do we know it's sustainable, the role of MFA and LCA, NTE 4, 26/10/2021,

ESR 1 - P. Main: Biobased plastics for a circular economy, NTE 3, 13/04/2021,

ESR 3 - M. Lisiecki: Design for Circularity, NTE 3, 13/04/2021,

ESR 5 - F. Lit: Circular business models, NTE 3, 14/04/2021,


ESR 12 - F. Martelli: Valorizing pyrolysis gases back to monomers, NTE 2, 09/12/2020,


ESR 8 - T. Belé: Odor characterization, monitoring, control and removal from recycled plastics – Introduction and techniques, NTE 2, 09/12/2020,

ESR 11 - A. Bashirgonbadi: Film blowing of recycled polyolefins, NTE 1, 09/09/2020,

ESR 10 - B. Goshayeshi: Chemical recycling of plastic waste by reactor and catalyst engineering, NTE 1, 09/09/2020,

ESR 2 - D. Guleria: Chemical design for recyclability, NTE 1, 09/09/2020,

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